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Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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Over the years I have assembled quite a staple wardrobe with a personal style. I went from a bit of a hipster-kind of phase in 2015 into the complete opposite direction. I was over tie-dye and the semi-gothic/hipster look. I was only 16 years old at the time so it was quite hard for me back then to discover what kind of new personal style I wanted to adopt. I started using platforms such as Instagram and blogs as my inspiration and soon discovered that I am a huge lover of the minimal, Scandinavian, casual chic sort of look, which I hope also shines through into my day-to-day style.

However, last year I started to panic a bit. I felt like my outfits just weren’t that exciting anymore as they would usually be very minimal, with only the colours grey, white of black incorporated into it. Since I had been sticking to this minimal, Scandi casual-chic look for almost 6 years now, I had a bit of a panic think and decided that it’s time for me to start expanding my own style comfort zone. As much as I love to wear a graphic tee or just a basic tee and jeans or smart trousers, I knew I wanted to be a bit more adventurous without losing my style too much.

I am still trying to find a balance in finding clothes that are inside of my style comfort zone as well as picking items that aren’t. Two years ago I wouldn’t really wear skirts or incorporate red into my outfits. In today’s post I thought it would be fun to share how I making baby steps to expanding my style comfort zone.

Make a plan

I think it all really starts with making a little plan into how you can incorporate colour or prints into your wardrobe. I usually find myself wanting to incorporate colours or prints into my wardrobe after seeing some of my favourite bloggers or Instagrammers wear a piece I like. Animal print for example has been one of those ‘I love it, but do I feel comfortable in it’ comfort zones for me. It’s been a trend that we’ve seen loads in the past year. That’s why I started making a plan for myself on how I could incorporate that print into my wardrobe. So since I was debating whether or not I would like to invest into animal print, I started making a folder on my instagram with all the outfits of my favourite bloggers and instagrammers that were wearing animal print. I would start browsing websites to see their stock and to see if there was anything I liked. If I saw something I liked I would also check to see if there’s something inside of my wardrobe already that I would style it with. If that was the case, then this item would be moved to my ‘consider to buy’ list. If that wasn’t the case, then I knew it would be too much of an investment/hassle for me to incorporate this item into my wardrobe.

Start with adding smaller accessories into your wardrobe

I find that it really helps to start adding colours or prints to your wardrobe by starting out with adding accessories in that colour/print to your wardrobe. I for example am 100% sure that you will not see me wearing a red suit in the future. As much as I love that look on other people, I know it’s something that is too far of a step out of my comfort zone.
Two years ago I started getting into the colour red again. It’s been a while since I have actually worn that colour as I think it’s a very statement colour that I don’t always feel comfortable in. After the summer of last year I needed to gain back some confidence and I knew that the colour red could really help me gain back some of that confidence. However, I wasn’t ready to wear a pair of red trousers back then, I decided to buy myself a red bag instead, which was also a pretty big deal to me. Most of my bags are black, so buying myself a red bag was a big change for me. But by incorporating a red bag into my wardrobe, it has become a lot easier for me to also wear some more other colours. Since adding that red bag into my wardrobe last autumn, I actually have bought a pair of brown trousers and find myself looking more and more towards burnt-orange and yellow-y colours. Those are still quite neutral to some of you, but buying a pair of brown trousers was definitely not in my comfort zone last year.

Style out-there items with your usual uniform

Another one of those prints that I have gotten into this past year is, of course, animal print. I love me a leopard print. It again started with introducing a leopard print bag to my wardrobe, where it has now led to me actually buying a leopard-like skirt. This basically is an even bigger step outside of my fashion comfort zone, as it firstly is a skirt and secondly has a print on it. I personally don’t feel super comfortable in skirts, especially if they have a print on it. However, I decided to bite the bullet and just wear it anyway. I like to style those pieces that are a couple of steps too far out of my comfort zone with my ‘usual uniform’. This basically means I would prefer to style this sort out skirt with a basic tee and my leather jacket, as they are two items I both feel extremely comfortable and ‘me’ in. So even though I am wearing a skirt, which is something I don’t feel 100% comfortable in, I decide to pair it with something I do feel comfortable in. This instantly adds to my confidence.


  1. First, I am LOVING that leo skirt 😍 And secondly, these are such great tips on expanding your style horizons a bit, all of these steps are something I also use when I feel like I need to experiment a little bit more again!

    1. Ahh thank you so much Pinja! I'm so glad you liked this post, we all need to experiment a little bit from time to time xx


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