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Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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Ahh it’s December tomorrow! Isn’t it crazy how fast this year has gone by? I remember celebrating Christmas last year like it was just yesterday. December probably is one of my favourite months of the year as there are so many lovely things to look forward to. I thought it would be fun to share a …


Haircuts are always such a sensitive topic in my opinion. Some girls absolutely love their longer hair, but I personally have been a fan of the shorter hairstyles for quite some time now. I got my hair cut off again last week and it has been like a breath of fresh air. It was just what I needed after such a stressful last couple of weeks! Some girls consider hair their lives and I guess you could say that I am pretty attached to my hair too. That’s why whenever I get a haircut, I only go to the hairdresser I have been going to for as long as I remember. And even at the hairdressers I only trust about two hairdressers to really cut my hair to my liking. But if you are in doubt of getting your hair cut before Christmas again, then definitely keep on reading.


November and December always are those months that we are all feeling super busy and maybe even a little bit stressed with everything we have to get done by the end of the year. I don’t know if you guys have this too, but as soon as I have a lot of work to get done, my brain seems to go into overdrive. It doesn’t really matter at what time of day it is; my brain just won’t stop overthinking and overanalysing everything. So every November and December I struggle with quite bad insomnia and usually don’t fall asleep before two in the morning, which is just horrible!

This is how I have gone through the beginning of November. Somewhere halfway through exhaustion just hit me and I needed to get my normal hours of sleep. So I have decided to adjust my evening sleeping routine a bit. It’s been adjusted to prevent insomnia from happening as much as possible, and I thought it would be fun to share with you too!


My oh my, it has been quite the month so far. I feel like this always happens at the end of the year. We all get super busy before the holidays and have lots of deadlines and stuff to finish. That’s why I am currently really looking forward to having some much-needed down time spent indoors. The colder days make me look forward to spending time inside with cosy loungewear, a hot chocolate and a warm blanket. Whether I am spending an evening in with a friend or just on my own, this sounds like an ideal way to spend it.


Autumn and winter are known as the darker seasons of the year. It’s usually dark out when you wake up and if you have a job or are at uni or school, you usually also get home from work, uni or school when it starts to get dark out. I don’t know about you, but this time of year can really affect my mood and especially my state of mind. Because these darker months can be quite difficult to get through mental wise, I thought I would share some of my tips on how I tend to get myself through these, hoping I might be able to help some of you get through this too.


My favourite autumn days are those days with a clear blue sky, with that beautiful autumn sun, where it’s between 5 to 10 degrees Celsius and those beautiful yellow, orange and brown leaves feel extra crunchy to through. Those sort of autumn days are my favourite kind of days this season to go for walks. Its days like this that make me feel refreshed and like a new person. We have been super lucky this autumn and have had quite a few of these beautiful autumn days so far. I thought it would be fun to share my go-to outfit that I usually wear when I go for a long walk through the woods or a park to get a breath of fresh air.


It’s that time of season(?) again, I was actually going to say it’s that time of year again but I’m not sure if that’s right, since I write these posts twice a year. But anyway, it’s that time of year again where I feel like I have managed to find all the essentials in my life to get through two seasons. This post always takes a lot of time as it comes with thinking about what kind of items you want to wear and like during a season, as well as buying the clothes. Now I am going to be brutally honest, this post usually takes me a while to post because I can’t afford to buy all of these clothes all at once.

I am super excited to share my A/W 2018/2019 wardrobe essentials with you though. I feel like I have really curated my wardrobe and added some interesting items to really spice up my wardrobe.


Every season always comes with it’s own perks. The older I get, the more I start to appreciate every season for it’s own reasons. Autumn also definitely has it its perks. I love autumn walks, crisp air and just spending time outside. But because it gets colder during this time of year, I also start using different beauty products. One example I can give you is of my makeup. During the summer I barely use any makeup and love not having any kind of foundation or tinted moisturizer on my face. During autumn I love to experiment a bit more with makeup. It’s usually this time of year where I start to get my love for makeup back. Because I have such a big love relationship with beauty products in autumn, I thought it would be super fun to write a post about my current favourite autumn beauty products.


If there’s one thing I struggle with, it’s to sometimes motivate myself to get to work for uni. As much as I love my education and going to university, I sometimes find it hard to get myself back to uni work. I think we all struggle with finding your motivation again, which sucks. I can never really pin down why I feel less motivated and I think it’s normal to feel this way. As you might know, I am in the middle of my final year at university, so over the years I have learnt a lot about finding that motivation to get back to work. In today’s post I thought it would be fun to share a few tips with you.


If you know me or if you have been following my blog for a couple of years then you would definitely know that I am a trainers kinda gal. I am never really one to wear heels or heeled boots and I only recently started wearing my low ankle boots again. However, I would still always prefer to wear a pair of trainers instead. Being comfortable is one of the most important things in life, especially as I am a uni student and spend most of my day either in class or at the library. Comfort is everything in my life, but I also like to think that it’s super normal to wear trainers, as most Dutch people tend to be wearing trainers. All of my girl friends I hang out with can usually be found wearing trainers. So it has become pretty normal for me to just wear trainers every day. In today’s post I thought it would be super fun to share a few of my favourite trainers.


As much as I love minimalism and minimalist style, I love buying new clothes and looking online for hours and hours to scroll through websites looking at the latest trends. I already have a closet full of tops and blouses and another one filled with jackets and jumpers, yet I still always seem to think I have nothing to wear. In September I already had a massive clear out of my wardrobe, promising myself I would not buy that many clothes I would not end up wearing again anymore. I wanted to become less impulsive and really think about how I spend my money.

Last Monday I went into Primark after a long and stressful day at university. Before going there I was hoping to get myself a really cosy jumper or maybe a pair of cute trousers. While I was walking through Primark I had a big change of heart. While I was walking through Primark I did not want to spend any more money on a jumper or anything like that. It was kind of my intervention and I decided that as of November, I would stop buying clothes for a month. My main reason being that I definitely did not need any more clothes. My other reason being that I had set myself a few saving goals too. So until the end of November I am not allowed to spend any more money on clothes.


October has been such a hectic month. It has definitely been a month where I have had to struggle quite a bit with anxiety. Anxiety usually comes with me doubting myself even more than normal and also feeling a little bit more insecure than I normally would. I guess that’s something we can all relate with. Throughout the month of October I really noticed that I needed to find comfort and confidence in hanging out with friends, family, but mostly in products that brought me comfort and confidence. These five products have really helped me through this month and as these have helped me I really wanted to share them in this month’s five favourites post.