You may not want to admit it yet, but by tomorrow it will be December. Which basically means it’s officially Christmas! I am SO excited for Christmas, however it can be quite a stressful month as there are so many parties going on as well as just it being a really busy time of year at work or uni as there are so many deadlines. As fun and exciting as Christmas can feel, it is usually also that time of year where you are so tired. By Christmas time you are happy to have a few days off to just chill at home as you feel so burnt out from work. It’s something I have experiences the past couple of years and I am personally determined to make a change for the better to live in the moment more to fully enjoy the festive season while also being relaxed.
Write lists
I find December to be quite overwhelming as I always have so much on my mind of things I have left to do. If you’re anything like me, you will know it won’t give you peace at night when you should be sleeping. That’s why I think it would be really good to write lists of things you still have to do. This means you have written it down so you won’t forget. This makes it easier for yourself to not forget about your tasks while also not losing any sleep over it.
Saying no
Everyone seems to be throwing parties during December, drinks and some bites here, an early Christmas gathering with friends there and an end of year Christmas party at the office. It can all be a bit much when you think about it like that. That’s why it’s good to start thinking about your diary and December plans. Because as fun as those parties and gatherings can be, they can also be quite tiring and stressful to think about it. Try to really think about the gatherings that make you feel happy and leave you feeling energized. If they don’t have that effect on you, you might want to start saying no to going to every party you’re invited to.
Set priorities
Another thing to make December a bit less stressful is to set priorities. Sometimes you have to change your priorities slightly to make you feel less stressed about everything. It can sometimes be quite overwhelming to have an endlessly long to-do list in December. It’s why I think it’s really good to think about your priorities. I for example always find uni my number one priority, as I am quite the overachiever, especially during December where I always had lots of deadlines going on. That’s why the gym would always become a less important priority of mine if I feel like I am a headless chicken. You can also set your December priorities slightly different by doing your Christmas shopping online for example instead of going into stores. This makes it slightly easier and less time consuming than physically going into town with the 10.000 other people who have that exact same idea.
Make sure to plan time for yourself
It’s easy to change your schedule for fun gatherings so you can keep going and going. However I think it’s also very important to make sure to plan time for you in December. Because whether you want to or not, it will still be quite a hectic or stressful month if you have an office job or are at uni. That’s just how the end of a year works, I think. So make sure to also schedule in some you-time in December by only doing those things you enjoy doing and get lots of energy from. Make sure you are a priority on your list in December too. The way you make time for yourself is different for anyone; whether this is by sitting on the sofa at night with a glass of wine and some Netflix, by going to the gym or getting a massage. Just make sure you take care of yourself in December so you can prevent that burnt out feeling in January.
What makes December special for you?
Obviously I can give you all of this advice on how you should go through December in a stress free way, but I think it’s most important to think and reflect about what makes December special for you. As Marie Kondo would say, what joy does December spark inside of you? I for example love spending nights at home watching Christmas films in bed or going to the Garden Centre to see all the Christmas displays. I get energy and excitement from both, but my excitement can be entirely different than yours. Find out what makes December special for you and really try to make time to make this festive December a special one in your books. It’s the end of a decade at the end of this year after all, so make it memorable and count.
I love when you make posts like this - thanks Laura!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh thank you so much Rachel! Hope you can relate and found it somewhat useful. Have a lovely and stress free festive season xx