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Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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It’s officially autumn. It actually feels weird to say so, as I am currently still away on holiday in sunny Spain. But as soon as we go back home to The Netherlands it will probably be truly autumnal and I will have to get my scarves and jumpers out. This year I am really trying to make an effort to purchase only those items I feel like I need in my life and I know will last me a long time inside my wardrobe. Since doing a little wardrobe clear out at the end of August, I noticed there are a couple of things I feel like are missing inside my wardrobe. It’s why, because I actually donated quite a few of my autumn/winter bits and bops to charity, I feel like I am allowed to invest some money in some new bits and pieces for my wardrobe.

A black pair of mom jeans

This year I have pretty much only worn my mom jeans and they are blue. They have become such a staple inside of my wardrobe and don’t even picture myself wearing skinny jeans that often anymore. Since it’s now officially autumn, I know for a fact that I will be going back to darker colours, which also means I will probably want to start wearing black jeans more often. It’s why I am really want to invest some money in another pair of black mom jeans. I already own one pair, but I feel like I definitely need to get myself another pair, as I always feel like the pair I want to wear is in the wash just when I need it. I usually buy my mom jeans at ASOS, as I love their Farleigh jeans, but I am looking to expand. Please do tell me your recommendations if you have a pair of mom jeans that look absolutely banging on you.

A wool scarf

Every year for the past four years I have told myself I wanted to invest in a wool scarf to keep me warm during autumn and winter. The ones I have bought in the past actually are only partially made of wool, which I am now not as much of a fan of anymore. It’s why I am looking to buy a wool scarf for myself that is actually made of 100% wool, instead of just 90% or sometimes even 50%. I feel like a wool scarf is such a classic wardrobe staple you can wear for years and years to come. I have my eye out on the Acne wool scarves, but I do think they are a bit overpriced just because they have a branding on it, so I will be looking online a bit further to see where I can buy myself the wool scarf I am after.

A wool jumper

It’s about time I start investing in some really timeless jumpers I can wear for years and years to come. Just like with the wool scarf, I like to invest some of my money into a jumper made from wool. I find wool can sometimes look a bit unflattering on me, as I am already a bit chunky myself. So it seemed logical for me to go on the hunt to find myself a wool jumper that isn't too thick or chunky. I obviously have some rules. It should be neutral, which is just to make sure I truly love it. It also means I would be willing to pay a bit more money for a jumper. Because only then I know it will last me a lifetime, if I don’t shrink it in the wash obviously.

Those are the things I would love to invest some money into this autumn and/or winter. It’s not much, but I definitely feel like I don’t need to replace or buy myself much either. What is on your autumn style investments list this year?
