Happy Sunday everyone! I can't believe there's only 1,5 days of 2018 left... This year has literally flown by, and with all the Christmas festivities I totally did not realise how quick the New Year would come around. Anyway, since it's the end of the year, I thought it would be fun to reflect back on all my outfits of 2018 again, as I always tend to do this when the new year comes around. It's always fun to look back on all the outfits you wear throughout the year, and I also tend to get some new inspiration from the outfits I have worn throughout the year.
Like I said before, I am always very persistent with my outfits on the blog. I have a very certain colour palette that I know I like and love to wear, which I don't really stray away from. Like you can see in last year's post, I was really still wearing a couple of skirts and dresses. This year I seemed to have stayed away from them more. That's not really a surprise, as I feel like this year has definitely not been one of my best 'style and outfit' years. In the beginning of the year I already wrote a post about wanting to find my SS18 style, and I wrote one again about finding my AW18 style. Even though I have written these posts, I still feel like I am not completely satisfied with all of the outfits I posted throughout the year. That probably partly has to do with all the clothes that are being made in high street stores such as ZARA or Stradivarius just don't really look good on me, a girl who isn't a size 6. On the other hand this is something that has got to do completely with who I am as a person and what kind of clothes I like to wear.If you have been following me for a couple of years now, or even if you have only followed me throughout this year, you will know that I am definitely a neutral kinda gal. I tend to wear clothes that are just black, white, grey, denim, blue, camel and occasionally I like to incorporate a spot of red in there too. This is a super neutral colour palette that would be so easy to style and to make it look more interesting with just a few dashes of colour. However, that's just not something I feel completely comfortable in, which is why I tend to always stick to these colours.

There's nothing wrong with sticking to the palette we all know and love so dearly. This is something I know I will always tend to struggle with. Every few months throughout the year I feel like I need to incorporate some more colours into my wardrobe to spice things in my style up a bit. This always leads to me feeling super uncomfortable if I do decide to wear them, or I don't even end up wearing these items at all.If there's a couple of things I have learnt from my November spending ban, it's that I own more than enough clothes already. We live in a world that is going super fast and there's inspiration for outfits wherever we look. We are constantly being influenced to buy more. This is where I am super guilty myself, because I spend so much time on Instagram, I am influenced by other bloggers / influencers - which is a word that actually makes me want to barf a bit -. Anyway, I am influenced by everyone around me and always find myself buying things I don't necessarily need inside my wardrobe.
That's why next year I am going to really try and be more thoughtful of the clothing items I buy. It's a good thing I want to do this, because this is the only way I can really discover what kind of clothes I like and I can rediscover my style with a few wardrobe additions. I am never going to be a person who will wear super colourful clothes. As much as I love them on others, I just don't like the look of them on myself.
So next year I want to buy the clothes I like, that suit my style and help amplify my personality. It's all about curating a closet with only the clothes I love to wear. If that means I have to spend a little bit more money I know it will be worth it. This way I can be sure of the clothes that I will wear, will fit my style and I will end up wearing them a lot.
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