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Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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It is my birthday tomorrow, and I have never really done one of these post before, I thought it would be fun to share 21 things about me. Why 21 things? Well, I am turning 21 tomorrow. I never really thought of doing these sorts of posts, but I want you to get to know me a bit better. I have talked about myself on the blog before, but I am not sure if you understand why I talk about certain topics on the blog.

So before I turn 21 tomorrow, I would love for you to get to know me a bit better. And vice versa, tell me some facts about you too.

  1. My birthday is on 8 February 1997. 
  2. I am half Dutch, a quarter Indonesian and some parts French and German. 
  3. I have family living in Indonesia, some of whom I have met, but most of them I haven’t met yet. This is probably why Indonesia is on top of my travel bucket list. I would love to to Indonesia as soon as I graduate from uni. 
  4. I have a brother who is 25. 
  5. My family and I are very close. 
  6. I am the youngest in our family and always get either babied or bossed around. I don’t really mind though! 
  7. I consider my cousins as my best friends.

  8. I study communications in The Hague.
  9. I am the second to youngest in my class at uni.
  10. I also live in The Hague and would never see myself living to another city. I love being so close to the sea, as well as being so close to a city centre.
  11. Before I started studying in The Hague I studied Communications in Leiden, but ended having the worse panic attacks. So for my own health I quit after only one month of studying in Leiden.
  12. When I was 14 I was really depressed and had a horrible time at high school. That’s when I started having panic attacks and they have occurred ever since. I am much better now though!
  13. I met most of my closest friends to this day while I was in primary school.

  14. I am very introvert and don’t like being the center of attention, which might seem weird as I am constantly posting photos of myself on my blog.
  15. When I was younger I was obsessed with The Hills. I wanted to be Lauren Conrad!
  16. I have been a book wurm ever since I can remember. When I was younger, I used to be so into reading that I would put my book under my pillow in bed.

  17. I have mild asthma, I was born with it and can go years without an asthma attack. However the last couple of years it got a little worse because I have very bad allergies. It's usually at its worse from February until August-ish. This is also something barely any of my friends know, because they have never actually seen me use an inhaler.
  18. I love going on long walks near the seaside. We have some amazing dunes in The Hague that are perfect for long walks and for clearing your mind when you feel overwhelmed. Walking near the beach also helps with my asthma!
  19. I make the worst kind of dad jokes. My friends and family hate me for it, besides my own dad. He loves them. I probably get my dad jokes from him, cheers dad!
  20. I am considered as ‘the mum’ of my friend groups. Parents always tell me to look out for their children, because I am a grandma at heart.
  21. This past year has taught me a lot and definitely made me grow as a person. I might actually want to share a bit more about these 'life lessons' in Friday's outfit post.
What I'm wearing:
Mango blouse (in pink)


  1. These are such amazing things about you babe! I'm also actually an introvert and I find myself constantly posting about myself! it's so funny how these things work right?!


    1. Thank you Shloka! It's so funny how a blog can be a perfect way to express yourself as an introvert person! 😊 xx

  2. 14 AND 16 are me! Thanks for sharing!

    Andrea Fenise


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