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Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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Summer in The Netherlands can be quite weird. One moment the weather is absolutely gorgeous and we're all either tanning on the beach and having drinks on terraces, and the next minute our summers are wet, grey and the sun can't seem to break through the clouds. 

When I shot this outfit, it definitely felt like autumn. However, it was still quite humid out. So what does one wear when it's an overcast day, but still very humid outside? I decided to just go for an all black outfit, as it just seemed right. Whenever I wear black in summer, I mostly am way too hot, but on this day, thankfully, that wasn't the case. I styled this outfit with this H&M blazer too, because we had quite a lot of wind afterwards. This basically was the perfect outfit for those overcast days. 

What I'm wearing:
H&M blazer
BooHoo tee
ASOS jeans
Sacha shoes
Lancaster bag


  1. I love everything you are wearing - the shades are super cool.

  2. Thank you so much Rosa! They're still one of my favourites! :) xx


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