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Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

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Over the past two years I have become a real plant lady. I have quite a lot of plants in and around my bedroom and it’s slowly starting to come to the point where I don’t have a lot of space in my bedroom left to place any more plants. My room is not as much of jungle like the ones you find on Pinterest, but I have definitely grown a little addiction to buying new plants that are easy to keep alive. If you don’t have plants in your home, bedroom or home office just yet, then keep on reading, because I am going to try and convince you that you need some greenery in your life.

Plants instantly brighten and liven up a space

Autumn might not be the best or most logical time of year to write a post on why you should add plants to your bedroom. I however found that buying plants and giving them a place in my room actually instantly brightens up a space. Autumn and winter are quite dark months and adding something green and alive into the room can really help make your space feel less dark. I honestly think a room looks a bit bare if there aren’t any plants or flowers inside. Flowers however can be quite expensive if you have to keep buying them on a weekly basis. Plants might be a bit more expensive when you first buy them but think about how much joy it can bring to a certain space by adding a plant.
A plant can also make a room look softer. I for example love the all-white aesthetic of a room as it in my opinion looks super clean. However, that all-white aesthetic can also be seen as if you are living in a cold hospital room. It’s why I think adding a few plants to your space can make it look a bit more homely.

Plants can be beneficial to your health

Like I said before, autumn and winter can be quite dark months and I always struggle with the lack of daylight during this time of year. Somehow seeing plants inside of my bedroom makes me feel happy and a lot lighter when I walk into my room after a long day. I find it easier to de-stress after a long or stressful day at university ever since I added more plants in my bedroom. I think it might be because being outside in nature brings me peace and it makes me feel relaxed. When you think of it like that, it’s not actually that weird to start adding plants into your workspace or bedroom as they can really have an effect on the atmosphere in your room. Plants can really help if you struggle with some mental health aspects
If you look online, studies show that plants also can be very good for your physical health. Studies show that it can help lower decrease headaches, fatigues and other physical flu-like health symptoms.

Plants boost focus and creativity

As much as I love my bedroom to be super calm and relaxing, it is currently also the place where I spend a lot of my days working. So as much as I like to keep business and private separated, it can be quite hard. I already told you that plants can help make a room look more calm and can help let go of a lot of stress, but it also really helps to boost focus and creativity. Again, I don’t know how this works but studies have shown that people are more productive at offices or in classrooms when plants are put into the room. I guess this has to do with the psychological aspect of colours and the impact colours have on our mind.

Plants help purify your air

I feel like we all know this from biology or science classes from wayyy back when I still had somewhat of a clue of what we were talking about when I had those subjects. Plants undergo photosynthesis, which means they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This means that it makes it easier for you to breathe if you have plants around the home. Another thing plants do, is clean the air of toxins for you. This means it can help remove toxins things such as paint, man-made fibers, cigarette smoke. The plants absorb these gases and then put the contaminants into the soil, which to me sounds great.
Plants not only improve the aesthetic of a room, office or home, but they also have lots of benefits to your mental and physical health. Do you have any plants inside of your home?
