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Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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Have you noticed that I tried to catch up on the blog a little bit over the last couple of days? Over the past months I definitely have not had enough time to focus on the blog as much as I would like to. Now that I am slowly working towards my Christmas break I feel like I actually have time to sit down and write blog posts. Besides feeling like I have time to write blog posts, I also just have had such a massive creative boost this week. I don't know whether it's because I feel like I have more time, or whether it's all the Christmas festivities.

Today's Wednesday, and I have had such a productive day. I woke up extra early this morning to (finally) get a Christmas tree with my parents. It was such a good plan to go on a Wednesday instead of a Saturday or Sunday, as we could just walk around all day and pick such a lovely tree. After that we quickly popped into the garden center to pick up some more baubles and some other Christmassy stuff and we had some lunch there too with all the other elderly people, which was super fun! After that we all went home and I just worked on uni stuff a bit more.

And this is the actual outfit I wore today. I am still all about comfort. But I did get myself out of my gym leggings and actually decided to wear a pair of trousers instead. I paired it with a simple grey jumper and my trusty old Adidas Stan Smith.

What I'm wearing:
BooHoo bomber jacket
H&M jumper
Mango trousers (similar)
Manfield boots


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