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Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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We started uni nearly a month ago in the Netherlands, and I only just feel like I finally got into the swing of things again. I initially planned on posting quite a lot of uni related content on the blog, but I have been interning from January until June, so it felt a bit weird being back at uni again in the first place. Now that I have finally settled in, I am just getting around to typing these uni related posts up.

I am in my second semester of my third year at uni. And I feel like I am finally at that place, where I am no longer dragging a lot of stuff around with me at uni. Back in the old days I used to bring a really heavy notebook and my laptop to uni with me. Nowadays I tend to only bring my laptop with me, as that's more than enough.

My bag
The bag that I always carry around with me is this Vero Moda shopper bag via Zalando. I recently got myself this bag, as my H&M shopper bag that I got around this time last year pretty much got destroyed (it looked a little something like this on the first day). I really like to carry shopper bags with me at uni, as I can fit my laptop in, and I just like have all of my stuff in sight.

My laptop
The most prominent thing in my uni bag is probably my laptop. I am using the 2013 Macbook Pro 13 inch. I carry that thing around with me everywhere, especially when I'm working on uni. It's quite heavy for a Macbook (because it's so old), but it still works like a charm, so I'm not going to get myself a new one. 
Somewhere throughout the first year I went 'screw it, I'm never physically writing all of my notes down in class. Not more' this was after I had a quite a lot of stress because I couldn't write down my notes quick enough. So nowadays I just type all of my notes in Word on my laptop and print them all out whenever we have exams, so I can study it. It's the easiest thing in the world! 

My phone
My iPhone 7 is always either in my bag, on my table at uni or in one of my coat pockets. I don't leave the house without it, because I have to travel for about 30 minutes. So since I can't go anywhere without listening to music. Whether I am walking through town, on my scooter driving to school or whether I am in the bus. I have to listen to music. So I usually have my headphones still attached to my phone when I'm at uni.
The case I am currently using is the Ocean Marble case by Ideal of Sweden, and it's an absolute dream. I mean.. It's marble, why wouldn't I be obsessed with it.

My sunnies
Just like my phone, I carry my sunnies around with me nearly everywhere. The sunnies I carry around with me, are the CĂ©line Baby Audrey sunglasses. We tend to have quite a few sunny mornings whenever I am off to uni, and I can't really handle bright skies in general. My eyes begin to water and it's just drama. So these sunnies do come in handy whenever I am off to uni. 

A snack
Food has to be in my bag, especially when I'm at uni. I either forget to have breakfast, or am constantly hungry. So I always have some sort of snack in my bag. Right now I am having a thing for the Nature Valley Crunchy Oat and Honey bars. This fills me up until I usually get home from uni. If  have a longer day at uni, I try to bring my own lunch too. This usually consists of either a salad, or rye bread with mashed avocado or something like that. 

Water bottle
Of course I can't leave the house without my water bottle. I am trying to drink 1,5 to 2 liters of water per day, as I notice this benefits to my skin quite a lot. So I bring my own water bottle with me to uni. Well, it's not really my bottle, it's actually my brother's bottle. He got it at work, but never used it, so I basically stole it from his kitchen one day. The water bottle I use is by Dopper, they do some really nice water bottles in different colours, and you can customize them too. They also have a Dopper Foundation, where they set up water projects in Nepal. So these are amazing, they look cute and are great for the environment!

My Planner and a pen
Even though I don't take any notes in notebooks anymore, I still like to have an actual planner. I feel like writing down my uni work, makes me more aware of the stuff I have to write down. My current planner, which runs until December is from a local warehouse, but I already got myself a Moleskine planner while we had a discount in a local bookshop to write all of my work down. 

Some sort of Communications book
I am currently in the middle of writing essays and a mini thesis. So I am always carrying around some sort of Communications book around with me, because I am trying to define some sort of theory or something like that. 

My purse
Of course I can't leave the house without my purse. I am currently using a really old H&M pouch as a purse. This carries all of my cards, but also a few coins. I am dying to get myself a new purse, so I am hoping to get myself a new one soon. 

My public transport card
I want to carry my public transport card with me at all times. Even when I go to school with my scooter. The weather in The Netherlands tis so unpredictable, so I always get to take the tram to school and home whenever it's raining. With this particular card I can travel for free throughout the week through the whole of The Netherlands because I am a student. So this is just great, and such a lifesaver for students. 

My keys
I recently started putting my keys in this key holder purse by Coach. I can also fit my public transport card in here, so I can't lose either of them. Because I leave the house with both of these, it seemed more convenient to put them in this pouch. 

That's what I carry around with me when I'm off to uni. So if you every spot me carrying this bag around with me in real life or on Instagram, you can basically assume that I am off to spend my day at uni. 
