I have three different morning routines and I would have to say that my weekday routine has got to be my favourite. Especially my weekday routine has helped me feel more focused on my goals. It’s no surprise that my mum and dad always told my brother and me it’s good to develop a routine with good habits so we can utilise or days as best as that day is possible. As a uni student I find and especially in the past found it quite hard to stick to a morning routine. I would usually spend my evenings working away on assignments and papers and would sleep in massively the next day. My lectures always used to start at 10 or later in the morning/day, which is great if you have to travel from a bit further, but as for me, who only lives 20 minutes away from uni, it meant I had an opportunity to sleep in most days.
My weekday routine
From Mondays until Fridays I like to wake up early. Or.. At least it’s early for my standards, considering I could easily sleep in until 11 in the morning. I set my alarm at 7:30, but it already starts to go off at 07:15-ish. I know snoozing is bad, but I like to just lie in bed and reflect on how I have slept for 15 minutes before actually getting up and ready to go. The first thing I do at is to actually turn of my alarm. Then I am up and out of bed. I like to have a glass of water next to me on my bedside table and drink the entire glass before getting into the shower.I then hop into the shower, brush my teeth and wash my face. I then go back up into my room and listen to the radio while getting dressed and doing my skincare routine for the morning. At around 8-8:30 I go downstairs and make myself a coffee or two. I have recently become so excessive that I started drinking a cuppa tea and a cuppa coffee in the morning. I make my breakfast, which is usually a yoghurt bowl with some fruit or some rye crisp crackers with vegan chorizo or hummus and cucumber. Something that hasn’t changed since I was little, is watching the news on the TV while eating my breakfast. I like to take my time in the morning for breakfast as I have never really been an early breakfast-eater as it would always make me feel a bit sick. So at around 9:30 I would go back upstairs and actually get to work. Whether that will be doing emails, working on my blog, taking or editing photos or working on my dissertation.
Weekend routine
During the weekend I actually like to sleep in for a little bit. My sleeping in-treat during the weekends is not nearly as bad as it used to be before. When I was younger I could easily sleep until 11 or 12 in the morning. Nowadays I like to sleep in until 8:30 to 9:30. It depends on my mood that weekend and how late I wake up whether I get up immediately or stay in bed a little longer to read a book. If I wake up at 8:30 or before 9, I would usually stay in bed a little longer to read a book. If I wake up later I skip that and hop straight into the shower. I once again brush my teeth, wash my face, do my skincare routine and get dressed.On Saturdays my parents usually leave at around 9:30/10:00-ish to do the weekly shop so that’s my time to go downstairs. I tend to read for a bit or catch up on my some series while I wait for the mailman to come around. He usually comes between 11:00 and 12:30, so I like to stay home just in case someone in the household has ordered something online and haven’t informed me that I need to stay home. When my parents get back from the weekly shop I try to help my parents unload the groceries until I am in their way and they get slightly annoyed. I know that’s usually my cue to leave the kitchen for a bit. We then eat breakfast/brunch/lunch at around 12-ish all together as a family before I usually leave to hang out with friends or hop into town to see family.
My Sundays aren’t too different from my Saturdays. I again sleep in for a bit, read or shower and usually at 11 we have a family Sunday breakfast. Some Sundays we eat a proper full English breakfast, other Sundays we go for a bit of a simpler meal and eat yoghurt, banana pancakes or just a sandwich or crackers. We make fresh coffee, set the table and have a proper chat and breakfast, which has got to be my favourite thing about the weekend. Once we have cleared the table and washed everything up, we usually go to do our own thing. This means I usually go back upstairs to my room to get ready for the day if I am seeing friends or my cousins or I work on my blog and Instagram for the rest of the day.
The extremely lazy routine
Like I said, I can sometimes be extremely lazy, especially in the morning. I wouldn’t fully call myself a morning person yet, mainly because of this extremely lazy routine that seems to make an appearance at least once a month. Certain weekend days I just wake up feeling super tired, a bit off or anxious. I am a firm believer of acknowledging those feelings, so if I don’t really feel like getting out of bed when I feel like this, I don’t. On these days I like to be super lazy and cosy in my pyjamas all day watching something on Netflix or maybe even reading a book.Sometimes I get super caught up in reading a book when I wake up early. I can then easily spend my entire day reading in it until I have pretty much finished the book. I love these days when they occur, but I try to not have the extremely lazy weekend routines as often as I used to have them before anymore. I much prefer going outside for a bit to see friends or go for a walk than to stay inside holed up all day.
Are you a morning person? Or are you, like my past-self, a lover of sleeping in until noon?
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