It’s my birthday this week! I feel like I have shouted this from the rooftop lots already, but I am just going to be saying it once more, so I can explain the three upcoming posts on my blog a bit more. I am turning 22 on Friday (8 February) and I thought it would be fun to dedicate my birthday week (kind of) to share some more personal things with you on here. I have had this little corner on the internet for over 8 years now, but I haven’t really shared that much about my personal life on here before. I always like to think I am pretty open and honest on who I am and what I do on here, but there might be a few things you don’t know about me just yet.
So to continue last years tradition where I shared 21 things about me, I thought it would be fun to share another 22 facts about me so you can get to know me a little better!
1. I love to cook, especially Indonesian food.
2. I hate going to the beach, even though I live pretty much besides the beach. There’s just sand everywhere once I’ve been and it’s so annoying.
3. I have never had a proper boyfriend.
4. I used to love playing tennis.
5. I have had a lot of trouble with my ankles when I was young which meant that I had to stop playing tennis.
6. I love being alone and spending time alone, which may sound weird or sad, but I always get to recharge my battery by spending time alone.
7. I went through a big love for Twilight phase. I had the biggest crush on Taylor Lautner AND Robert Pattinson, however I was always #teamedward.
8. Last year I wrote how much I love to read, but I’m also a big lover of tv. I love watching trashy reality tv like Keeping Up With The Kardashians and anything else they show on E! Entertainment.
9. I love buying gifts for other people.
10. But I hate opening gifts in public, I feel super pressured and people look at me. It’s not something I can handle... Like I said last year, I hate being the centre of attention!
11. Up until a couple of months ago I did not understand why I would feel a certain way. A few months ago I did a personality test and learnt that I have a ISFJ personality. This means that I am introverted sensing, extraverted feeling, introverted thinking and extraverted intuition. Taking this test really made me understand myself better as it was spot on!
12. I’m now super lazy and haven’t seen the inside of the gym since September last year. Which is so bad. But I’m really dying to get back into going to the gym as it really helps make me feel better mentally, I just need a gym buddy.
13. My aunt and uncle recently got a puppy and I’m obsessed with it. We can’t own any pets though as my dad and I are super allergic to most animals. I could only ever own fish ... 😂
14. A couple of years ago I worked in a shoe store. It seemed like a dream at first, but ended up hating it as the customers would always be so rude! I now have a great deal of respect for anyone who works in stores and always am kind to them, I feel your rude customer pain girl!
15. I am pretty sure I can count all the times I’ve been to night clubs on one hand. Clubbing definitely is not my thing - I’m a proud grandma at heart and most of my friends are too!
16. I rarely drink alcohol because it causes acne and I am usually the designated driver. I love to drink water or tea just as much as I like the taste of wine and since alcohol causes acne, I would rather just drink water.
17. The desire to start travelling is really growing stronger inside of me. I want to travel as soon as I graduate and explore more of the world. I’m beyond excited for my trip to Lisbon in March with my two cousins as they are some of my closest friends!
18. I recently updated my travel bucketlist in my bullet journal and I can’t wait to cross a couple off in the upcoming years.
19. I have not ridden a bike in over 2 years, which is a long time for someone who’s Dutch. It’s because I’m lazy and would rather take my scooter though.
20. As much as I love listening to music or watching something on my laptop I also love sitting in silence and just hearing my clock tick by as it makes me calm and helps to not overthink.
21. My cousin and I love to cook together, and whenever we do this we also end up eating lots of chocolate. We both love chocolate VERY much. Chocolate is life 😋
22. My last thing is very controversial but I hate cheese. I once puked because of cheese and now only like to have Parmesan cheese, mozzarella cheese and Old Amsterdam cheese. All the other ones make me gag.
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