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Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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A few months ago my friend introduced me to this gorgeous couscous salad. She invited me over to have a Riverdale catch up marathon because we both had been so busy with uni that we didn't really watch it. While we had our little Riverdale marathon she made me this glorious salad for lunch. Ever since summer has started, this has been such a yummy go-to lunch and dinner salad. It’s super easy and quick to make and practically takes a maximum of ten minutes to make! I honestly think I could eat this salad for lunch and dinner everyday, and I might even have had this salad for lunch and dinner a few times before.

Like I said, this recipe is so quick and easy to make. This recipe will make 4 portions of the couscous salad.
All you will need for this recipe is:
250 grams of couscous
150 grams of feta cheese
200 grams of cherry tomatoes
half a cucumber
200 grams of arugula
1 spring onion

Step 1: This recipe is so easy and quick. The first step is to boil your kettle of water for the couscous. Put the 250 grams of couscous in a big salad bowl (make sure it can stand boiling water, otherwise prepare the couscous like it says on the packaging). Once the water has been boiled, pour the water into the salad bowl with the couscous. The boiled water should be about 1 centimetre above the couscous, as that makes the couscous a bit softer and slightly sticky, which is just how I like it! The couscous will quickly absorb the water so this is the time to wash and cut your veggies and the cheese.

Step 2: Once you’ve added the boiled water to the couscous salad, it’s time to cut your veggies. I always wash the tomatoes, cucumber and spring onion before using it. I then cut the cherry tomatoes in half, the cucumber in cubes and the spring onion in little rounds.

Step 3: I tear the arugula into tinier bits, as this is just easier than to cut all of the arugula leaves. Once all the veggies have been cut, you can add them to your bowl of couscous. Your couscous probably has a bit of a soft and sticky consistency, which is just how it should be. Add all the veggies to the bowl and stir it all around so it gets mixed together a bit.

Step 4: Finally cut up the feta cheese into little cubes too and add it to the bowl. Stir the salad around once again to mix the feta cheese into the salad. If I am feeling extra fancy I will crumble even more feta with my hands and put that into the salad too, as it gives the salad such a yummy feta cheese taste. Put the feta cheese crumble inside the salad and serve into bowls or onto a plate or just put the salad bowl on the table and let everyone grab their own serving of this couscous salad.

Happy eating! 


  1. This looks super yummy. Need to try making it.

    1. It is super tasty! Definitely let me know if you give it a go! :) xx


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