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Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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I completely forgot to do a five favourites post in the beginning of February and since I have been working on school all day, I thought it would be a smart idea for me to do a Five Favourites post today!
So the first favourite are my Asos Ridley jeans, these jeans are amazing. Honestly, I think I might have been living under a rock. I love my Topshop Leigh jeans, but I don't really love the price tag. However these high-waisted jeans from Asos are affordable and just generally amazing. I don't even have to get myself anything from the petite section as they hit me right on the ankles, and I have never had that before in my life! 

The next favourite won't come as a surprise. I've been wearing these slip ons way too much ever since I got them and I just think they're just perfect. I can ramble and ramble on over them and how much I love them, but I won't, I will keep it short. These Topshop slip ons are comfortable, fashionable and most of all they're perfect.

This Boohoo fedora hat has been an ultimate favourite. I bought it in January, have been wearing it around the house non-stop and it kind of makes me wish that we were aloud to wear hats to school, because if we were, I totally would wear this beauty all the time. 

This loose powder is as soft as silk. This is the Chanel Poudre Universelle loose powder and it is a dream. Honestly. I've been using it non stop and I am so in love. I can't get over how soft the powder itself is and I can't even describe how pretty it looks in my make-up drawer. I love both the inside and the outside and I know that this powder will last me a long time!

My last favourite is Earl Grey tea. I've been obsessed with it lately and I absolutely love the Twinings one. However we don't have them anymore and I found this Rituals Earl Grey tea which is yummy too!


  1. Die slipons zijn zo leuk! fijne faves!

    Liefs Nora /

  2. Those slip ons are amazing, I'm hunting for a pair! Also love the hat, looks great on you x

    BLOG | Talking Pickles

  3. lovely shoes


  4. i just got the slip ons in maroon and am already lusting over other styles, including the black version!

    Hannah @


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