(L-R) La parisienne a style guide, ZARA bag, London clock/alarm, Topshop gift card, ZARA giftcard, Velbon tripod, A trip to London, horseshoe necklace, chocolates from Quality Street, Asos passport holder and some money
So as most of you know it was my birthday last week, on the 8th. I had the most amazing sixteenth birthday you could ever had. I had a birthday party on Friday and Saturday, I ate loads of cake, pizza and pasta and had a lot of fun!
My family and friends spoilt me a lot so I thought I would share my birthday presents with you. Please don't think I'm bragging or showing off! I got loads of lovely replies whether I should do it or not.
My main present is the one I'm most excited about; my trip to London! My parents knew that I wanted to go to London for such a long time, so they thought it would be nice to give this as a special 16 birthday present. I honestly am so happy with this! My mum and I will be leaving for London on 26 February and arghjah
Super leuke kadootjes, die tas is zo mooi! x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenjust love the bag xx
Have an amazing time in London :)
You are so lucky, wish my family did that! xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHave a great time in London
Hele leuke cadeautjes! :) Veel plezier in Londen. liefs
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHope you have an amazing time in London and happy Birthday for last week:) xxx
You lucky girl I am so jealous! I'm dying to go to London, I hope you have a blast :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenand that bag is so so so cute, I've been looking for one just like it!
btw I can't believe your only 16! You dress so grown up and chic, when I was 16 (which was only 3 years ago lol) I never looked as good as you do!
so lucky love the bag and the little alarm clock. I really want the zara bag now , you and beauty crush have it and look up to your style alot. Happy birthday and hope you had a good day xoxox
Happt B'day sweetie!! :)
Hope you have an amazing time in London Laura! You'll love it! (By the way the bag is gorgeous) love Soph xx
Gave tas,Heel veel lplezier in London!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSuperleuke spulletjes heb je gekregen en wat GAAF dat je naar londen gaat!!
You will love London! Honestly, it's my favourite place! That bag is gorgeous aswell xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenStylish Behaviour
love that Zara bag! London is amazing, you'll have a lovely time:)
That Zara bag is so classy! You can't go wrong with a good black bag! I hope you had an amazing birthday and that you have fun in London! I love London, so much to do, my dad lived there for a while for work and I was selfishly quite sad when the opportunities for London weekends disappeared!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenE x
Happy belated Birthday!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe bag is really nice!
Kimberley x
I'm so jealous! I want all of those
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI really wanted that horseshoe necklace from Urban Outfitters
I can't believe you got a Zara and a TOpshop gift card! They're my two favorite stores of all time!
Hope you had a lovely day (;
Kisses from LA,
Wat een leuke kadootjes heb je gekregen.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEn wat gaaf dat je naar Londen gaat!
happy belated birthday! YOu are so lucky to have received such amazing gifts- and a trip to london!? I love your bag as well!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI have a new post up and would love to hear your thoughts!
nicole from the green raybans
I love all the stuff you got, especially the bag! Hope you enjoy London, take lots of pictures for us!
Aaaaah you are so lucky for going to London!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenawesome buys! the bag looks perfect :)
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni want to go to london sooooo bad. and the zara bag is so pretty. i think you should do a london haul.
I love your Zara bag! So pretty. Hope you had a nice birthday, love, it sounds like it. Jealous you're going to London, I love it there, the shopping is fab - make sure Oxford Street and definitely Harrods are on that list!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJessica xo
Happy birthday! 16 is a very special time, so make the most out of it! And enjoy your trip to London!
I love that bag! Lovely pressies!
Wauw, je hebt zo veel leuke dingen gekregen!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenArgh. Ive wanted this Zara bag for agesss. But cant bring myself to buy it.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenFASHIONOROJECT x