I neeed your help! Maybe you can remember my Zara wishlist I posted in March, and if you do, you now I wanted the first coat so bad! Well... I went shopping yesterday and I saw the coat and I LOVED IT. All my friends tell me to buy it and I really want to buy it, since I have the money for it, but I don´t know. My parents told me I already have tons and tons of coats but this one, it´s just my love. I think I´ve never really been this attached to a coat, I really think that if I´m not going to buy it I will cry my eyes out, OK hopefully not really cry my eyes out but I will be very disappointed.
But somehow there´s this voice in the back of my head to not do it and I want it to go away. Oh yes, and my parents told me I can´t have it because they think it took me ages to save this money. But the babysitting job I´m having is kind of really paying off :)
Decisions, Decisions..
Tell me what do you think, shall I buy it or not?
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Buy!! It's amazing :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAhh... the never-ending dilemma of a fashionista, to buy or not to buy. Whenever I'm dealing with expensive purchases, I do my cost per wear calculations. Like if I was torn between a fifty dollar jacket and a 250 dollar jacket, I would first ask myself how often I would wear it, then divide that by the total cost of the jacket. Whichever is cheaper is obviously the better option. If you feel like you could wear that jacket more often than any other jacket you own, then buy it. And considering that you left the jacket at the store and still can't stop thinking about it, is a good sign that it isn't just an impulse buy. Buy it!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHaha this is me all the time! Buy it, I think. Generally I regret it if I don't want to buy something I really want - more often than if I do end up buying it.
BeantwoordenVerwijderendefinitely buy! It is so so nice x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAls ik jou was, zou ik hem gewoon kopen! Anders krijg je er waarschijnlijk wel echt spijt van! ;p
Hij is inderdaad zooo mooi, maar ik herken je dilemma. Maar ik heb zelf zo vaak spijt gehad, bijvoorbeeld omdat ik iets niet mee naar huis nam om 'er even over na te denken' en als ik het dan wou was het uitverkocht. Dus in dat geval: kopen!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenthat coat is divine! defs a buy if its not going to break your bank :D!
I definitely think you should buy the coat, it's gorgeous!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGillian x
Hmm.... Laura, I think you already know the answer to this question ;) I always get that same feeling as you.... "Should I buy it, or should I not buy it?" And I end up buying it, hehe. I personally think you should definitely buy it! =D I mean, it's obviously meant to be if you saw it in store after all! (: The Zara coat is gorgeous and it looks wonderful on you, so get it! :) I always get a little bit sad when I leave the store and wish I had bought it.... and if you change your mind, you could always return for a refund! =) I hope you do end up getting that lovely coat! :D
i think you should buy it no matter what, you'll later be sorry if you don't purchase it :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDolly, xo
Aaaah ik wil deze ook al superlang!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBen 'm zelf nog niet tegengekomen in de winkel,
dus daar wacht ik eerst op haha!
Als ik jou was zou ik 'm halen,
maar ik snap wel dat het echt een lastige en vervelende beslissing is!
Misschien kun je wat van je 'oude kleding' verkopen ofzo,
dan heb je weer minder spullen en meer geld!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenunique piece
Buy it ! We never had enough clothes.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMoreover you always can sold some coat in order to buy this one and have less coat to your parents mind.
(I always have the same problem as you :P)
By the way, I love your sense of style and your blog
Its really nice, buy it! :) Just to let you know we have given you the Versatile Blogger Award because we love reading your blog! if you have a look at the post on my page about it you will know more what its about :)xx
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAls je die jas zo leuk vindt, gewoon kopen! Serieus, anders krijg je er spijt van (ik kan het weten)! :) ♥
BeantwoordenVerwijderenthat is a must buy for sure<3
BeantwoordenVerwijderensuch a cute and nice blog..:)
mind following each other?
following you..:)