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Hi! I'm Laura, a 23-year-old millennial girl discovering who I am by sharing my life experiences on my blog. You'll find me writing about me discovering my personal style, my growing wanderlust or giving any sort of style, uni or mental health advice.

If you ever have any questions, notes or other things that you want to know, feel free to email me

From July 2012 all items marked with a (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts on this blog may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. Please read my disclaimer for more details.

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I love to travel and I feel like I don't do it often enough. That feeling that traveling gives me, the feeling of freedom, relaxation and just ultimate bliss, I live for it. Sadly enough I don't get to travel as often as I like to, as I still am an uni student with a uni budget. However I do have this long travel bucket list that I set up and am trying to fulfill along the way. Where does this wanderlust come from you might ask?

Well here's a little story time for you about how I discovered that I want to travel more. About two years ago, when I just finished high school, I went to a uni that I despised. I basically went through a really rough time of feeling depressed by doing things that were only making me feel unhappy. I had panic attacks nearly every day before going to university, so I quickly decided that it was time for me to choose me. I decided to quit that particular uni and give myself a break from all things related to uni. I decided to take a half a year to feel like me again. To feel happy again.

During that half year that I would like to call my 'gap year' I discovered that I live in such an amazing town with gorgeous architecture and great history. When I was younger I never really seemed to be impressed by my hometown, Amsterdam was better. Amsterdam had better architecture, I was amazed by Amsterdam. - I still am, but what I'm trying to say is that I started to appreciate the little things in my hometown The Hague, like you can see on this instagram picture, which was the Monday after I decided to quite uni.

Now that I finally am starting to notice and appreciate pretty things like architecture and history in The Hague, I feel like I want to see the history and architecture in other countries. I want to soak in as many different cultures, historical buildings and tales as I possibly can and it all starts today.

It all starts today by officially writing down all of my travel bucket list destinations, to fulfill my dreams. Some destinations on this bucket list are because of family history, others because I am impressed by the culture, architecture and history.


  1. Traveling is one thing I always have to do once a year and im glad I have the privilege to do so. Your bucketlist is amazing. I've visited some of them and I'm sure you're gonna love Barcelona!!

  2. Exploring the world and get to know other cultures is one of the best thing I think. There are some common points in our bucketlist! I would like to travel around France, England and Italy, visit some city in Spain and go to Scandinavia. But one of my biggest dream is Cambodia :)
    Love from Budapest, HU

  3. Lovely post. I always feel like this when summer comes around :)
    -Leah Pelly

    1. Yessss same! That's why I finally had to blog about it this year! :) xx


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