It feels like it has been a while since I've last done one of these, where I actually had a bit of a catch up with you. I feel like I haven't really sat down and properly gave you an update on what I am up to lately, which is also explains why I am not always able to blog every day. So let's catch up via a little Q&A ..
Like I said before, it has been a while since I properly talked about my life and what I am up to. I usually tell people that whenever I am busy, I am busy with uni. I usually like to keep my uni side of my life a bit more private, as I just don't feel comfortable sharing everything with you. However, I do get asked a lot on Tumblr and Instagram what I do at uni and everything related to that. So this Q&A is kind of to get to know me and what I study a bit better :)
Q: When is your birthday?
It's tomorrow actually! My birthday is on the 8th of February!
Q:How old are you?
A: I am 18 right now, but I turn 19 tomorrow!
Q: Did you find it hard to choose the course you're following at uni right now?
A: I always knew that I wanted to do something in Communications. I've always liked writing and being involved in visual things. I knew that I wanted to study either Communications or Journalism, so that wasn't that hard for me to pick. The only thing I found hard is to pick a university.
Q: What do you study at uni?
A: I currently study Communications at a University of Applied Scienes in The Hague, The Netherlands.
A: I currently study Communications at a University of Applied Scienes in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Q: What did you find the hard about picking a university?
A: I would say that it's really hard to get an honest impression of a university when they plan visiting days for people who are interested in going to that university. I graduated high school in 2014, and started university in Leiden in September that same year. I personally did not feel comfortable at that particular university studying Communications, even though I went to have a look at that particular uni earlier that year and seemed to enjoy it.
I was really unhappy at that moment in time, I had lots of anxiety attacks when I had to get on the train to get to uni, so I decided to quit studying at that university. I had "half a gap year". I decided to work for six months, and start at another university in February, which is an option here in the Netherlands. I started in February 2015 at this new uni, which is the university I am studying at now, and I like it so much better here than I did at that other university!
Q: Can you tell me a bit about studying Communications? I would like to know a bit more about it.
A: The classes you get when you study Communications vary from where you study. When I went to university in Leiden, you focused on the PR-side of Communications, whereas the uni I study at now, focuses on the media, visuals and writing-side of Communications, which I like more than the PR-side.
Q: I heard that universities in The Netherlands work different that in the UK or in the US? What's different?
A: I honestly don't know the difference between UK, US and Dutch universities. All I know is that we call Universities of Applied Scienes "HBO-opleidingen". We have different names for "universities" in the Netherlands. That's the biggest difference. All I know is that when you study at a University of Applied Science in The Netherlands, you'll be at uni for four years and end up having your Bachelor degree. If you wish to continue, you can go and get a Masters-degree too. It's not that different.
Q: How long does it take for you to have your degree?
A: It usually takes around 4 years. The only thing most universities in The Netherlands ask of you is to have 60 credits after your first year, we call this your propaedeutics. I can't properly explain it, but Wikipedia explains it here.
Q: How do you get all of your credits at uni?
A: I just finished my first year at university, and am lucky enough to have all of my 60 credits within one year, so I can keep studying Communications. I definitely had to take a few resits to get all of my 60 credits, but the tips I could give you to get your credits are: Study hard, plan and take notes during class. I used to write down notes, but nowadays I bring my Macbook to uni, so I can type fast while still listening to the teacher. My golden tip for passing an exam is to make summaries of the chapters of a book you have to study. Highlight the most important things, read through this a couple of times and then highlight what you think is important to remember. When you know most of what is in your summary, make yourself a little test with all the things you have to learn. Test if you know the definitions and enumerations, which helps you study!
So this is my little Q&A. I hope you enjoyed reading through this "university" based Q&A, I hope you have a little bit more insight into what I get up to when I'm not blogging. If you would like to see another university related Q&A or any other kind of Q&A, let me know in the comments below, ask me on instagram, or you could ask me on my tumblr page here! Happy Sunday!
Leuk om te lezen! Ik wil ook misschien iets met journalistiek/communicatie gaan studeren. Alvast gefeliciteerd voor morgen!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenhappy birthday for tomorrow! x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTrudy | TrudyJohanna
nice interesting post and happy birthday by the way.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI studied communications too, but I focused in marketing and advertising.
lu | Coco & Louis
Nice post.