How is it the last day of the year already? I can't believe how fast this year went by, but it's probably because I spent most of my days of the year filled with love and laughter!
I've been doing this post for the last three years, and I always think it's fun to see what I wore back in January. It's fun to look back on a year in outfits, which is a fun new way of seeing if you're style has changed during a year. So here are my favourite outfits of 2015.
As of tomorrow, Style and Sushi will have a completely new lay-out. I've been working on a new lay-out for a little while now, and finally got it ready to go. So from 1 January 2016, Style and Sushi will not look like this anymore! I am so excited and a bit anxious to share the new lay-out with you, as Style and Sushi has had the exact same lay-out for as long as I can remember!
So then there's one more thing I would like to say: I hope you have an amazing 2016, filled with love, laughter and everything else that makes you happy! I appreciate you all dearly and see you next year!
Happy New Year!
Wat een leuke outfits allemaal meis! liefs en een gelukkig nieuwjaar!